FLINTSHIRE Council has moved to clear any confusion surrounding bin collection rules. 

Recent posts on social media have been circulating in the last few days concerning an alleged ‘bin lid’ tax and fines for ‘side waste’.

The council has now spoken out to define the rules. ‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌​

The so-called 'bin lid' tax is in reference to a bin lid not being able to fully close due to excess rubbish bags.

Now, Flintshire Council has confirmed that any such fixed penalty notices will be a 'last resort'. 

Katie Wilby, Flintshire’s Chief Officer for Streetscene and Transportation, said: "Flintshire Council introduced rules around so-called ‘side waste’ and overflowing bins back in 2018. ‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌​‌​‍‌​‌‌

“Flintshire County Council has enforced against excess residual waste (black sack waste) that is presented outside of the black bin since 2018.  

"Side waste is classified as additional, unsorted waste placed at the side of or on top of the black wheeled bin or additional black bins placed out for collection.

“We have to restrict the amount of waste presented from each property and maximise the amount of recycling we collect in order to meet Welsh Government statutory recycling targets.

"Failure to meet these targets will result in increased disposal costs and substantial fines to the authority.


"In 2021/22, Flintshire failed to achieve the recycling target of 64% and only achieved 60.08%.  This has resulted in a potential fine of £663k to the authority which is not affordable and could have been avoided if everyone recycled correctly.

“From a recent audit undertaken, it was found that 46% of the waste presented in the black bins by Flintshire residents is recyclable, with 30% of this being food waste alone.

"A weekly collection service is provided for this recyclable waste and there is no reason for not recycling.  In order to tackle this and improve recycling performance, one of the measures introduced is the enforcement of side waste.

“We are continually working with residents on how they can recycle better and, before any enforcement action is taken, we will attempt to work with households on how they can recycle. 

"The process for enforcing against side waste is a three stage process with the first stage very much focused on education and engagement, highlighting the correct process for presenting waste.  

“Issuing a Fixed Penalty Notice is a last resort and only if a resident continues to place excess “side waste” out for collection will more formal action be taken. 

"We collect recycling every week and there is no limit on the amount of recycling residents can place out for collection, so if additional bags or boxes are needed, these can be supplied.

“Not recycling has an impact on others in the community.

"Failure to achieve the targets will risk the council being issued with substantial financial penalties by Welsh Government, which is funding that could have been used to provide other much needed services.”