We're open for Order and Collect!

Did you know that all of our library buildings are open for an Order and Collect service? You can email us details of books you would like us to gather for you or you can phone your local library or complete an online order form. You will only be able to return, order and collect stock from your local library.

We will do our best to get the books you want to you as quickly as we can. The safety of our staff and customers is our priority and we are following Welsh Government guidance on how to handle library books. Please note, all books returned to the library will be quarantined for 72 hours. When your books are ready, we will contact you to arrange an appointment for you to come and collect them. You can return books at the same appointment if you are collecting books. If you only want to return books, you will need to contact us by email and telephone to arrange an appointment. All books you currently have on loan and any you borrow via Order and Collect Service will be automatically renewed so you do not need to worry about returning them on time and you will not incur any fines. For contact details and to access the order and collect form please visit www.wrexham.gov.uk/libraries. We look forward to seeing you again!


Did you know Wrexham Libraries offer a service where you can download 10 eBooks and 10 eAudiobooks for free for 21 days via the BorrowBox App? Borrowing digital content has never been simpler, smarter or more convenient. BorrowBox digital content is available any time from work, home or anywhere 24/7. You can reserve or borrow up to 10 eAudiobooks and 10 eBooks at a time. Browse their library of the world's best authors and titles as well as enjoying newsletters, bonus interviews and author profiles. How and where you enjoy your favourite titles is your choice in just a few easy steps, all you need is a valid library card. For more details visit www.wrexham.gov.uk/libraries and follow the online service link.

NHS Covid-19 app

Have you downloaded the NHS Covid 19 app yet? All of our libraries are now displaying the QR code which you can use to check into our buildings for our Order and Collect service. For more details follow this link: www.covid19.nhs.uk/nhs/app

All Creatures Great and Small

Are you enjoying watching Channel 5's new All Creatures Great and Small series? This nostalgic series is based on best-selling books by James Herriot. Wrexham Library has the complete James Herriot collection with titles including Let Sleeping Vets Lie; Vets Might Fly and Every Living Thing. If you struggle to read ordinary print the library also has the following titles available in large print too: If Only They Could Talk; It Shouldn't Happen to a Vet; Let Sleeping Vets Lie; and Vet In Harness. So saddle up and travel to the Yorkshire village of Darrowby with James Herriot today by adding these titles to your next Order and Collect list.

Temporary Online Membership

Did you know that you can get a temporary online membership that will give you access to all of our online ebooks free of charge? Go to www.wrexham.gov.uk/libraries - Online services and select Online Catalogue and Join the Library.

Book Review

The Clerkenwell Affair by Susanna Gregory

The Leader:

This is the 14th adventure in the Thomas Chaloner series.

In the spring of 1666, plague sweeps through the land, but the sudden death of Thomas Chiffinch in the palace of White Hall is murder most foul. This powerful and influential courtier has many rivals and enemies keen to take his place. Thomas Chaloner investigates once more, as such envy and greed offers up a whole host of suspects.

With the shameless and vulgar lifestyle of the King seemingly sanctioned by his royal entourage, our dogged investigator has sympathy for the public's outrage at their monarch. As the wealthy flee the plague ridden city of London, those left behind have little patience with Court. As anger increases, so does the threat of revolt, fired by a local mystic fore telling the imminent destruction of the capital. Despite his initial scepticism, Chaloner discovers more links between his Clerkenwell suspects, realising that the King and Court are in danger of facing rebellion.

This atmospheric thriller offers a plot full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing till the end.