ARRANGEMENTS that see the vast majority of parents in Flintshire send their children to the school of their choice are due to be approved.

Flintshire County Council’s Cabinet will be asked to approve the proposed school admissions arrangements for 2021/22 on Tuesday.

The annual consultation exercise with school governors, diocesan authorities and neighbouring councils took place during December and January. It looked at the number of pupils which can be admitted to individual schools, based on nationally determined criteria and regulations.

Consultation covers the full admission arrangements including the admissions policy, oversubscription criteria, the timetable for admissions and admission numbers (ie the maximum number of pupils to be admitted by the admissions authority into each year group).

In Flintshire, about 96 per cent of parental preferences continue to be met with a relatively low number of appeals and there are no proposed changes to the admission arrangements.

Flintshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Youth, Councillor Ian Roberts, said: “I am pleased that most children in Flintshire are, once again, able to attend the school of their choice.

"I would like to urge parents and carers to return their online applications by the required date.

"I would also like to thank all those who took part in the recent consultation exercise and I am confident that the vast majority of parental preferences will continue to be met.”