Name of Business: Rustic Bug Co

Business Owners Name: Collette Lowry

Location of Business: Online and Pop-up fairs

Contact Details (Phone/Email/Website): Phone - 07715 271032; Website:

Opening Hours and Days: Weekdays after 2.30pm, as well as evenings and weekends

When did you open and why?

I have always been involved in retail since I was 14, and wanted to return to this alongside my current job, and what better way than doing something creative and using skills from my design degree which I love!

I only created the business in January and have spent the last few weeks busily creating bottles, buying stock and creating my social media platforms and website. I still have lots of work to do on this including getting a handle on Etsy!

I also still have some work to do on developing my sewn products range, such as personalised bunting and want to develop this idea to include “memory” bunting & cushions, made from a loved one’s garments.

I have had a lot of VW festival organisers approach me for events later on in the year which is great as we attend these anyway and it’s something I’ve been thinking of for a few years.

I will also be setting up at Buckley’s pop up shop on February 29, at Holywell market’s relaunch on March 12 and I am attending a fundraiser cake and coffee morning for kidney research in Higher Kinnerton on March 28 - so I have lots of Mother’s Day, birthday, wedding, friends and uplifting messages to put on bottles before then!

I’m also happy to drop off orders locally and can post some items too.

Tell us about your business. What do you do/sell?

The business is called Rustic Bug Co, (purveyors of quirky and handcrafted gifts), the name chosen because I wanted something to reflect the style of gifts I would be selling and as a nod to the VW scene as I planned to sell many of my goods at VW festivals and meets as well as at pop up shops, craft fairs and the occasional market.

The business sells upcycled and repurposed lighted spirit & wine bottles, soap dispensers and Tiki lamps, as well as some wall hangings made from waste wood and repurposed jars, filled with flowers or potpourri.

Also, Sarah’s Coffee off Holywell High Street has offered to stock some of my eco products for me.

What’s your most memorable/proudest moment in business so far?

Only been in business a few months

Have you had any strange requests/quirky suggestions or stories from customers?

I’m always open to requests and can be reached every weekday after 2.30pm, every evening, and all weekend.