PLANS for a housing scheme in Holt look set to be given the green light.

Wrexham Council's planning committee is to meet on Monday to discuss plans for a residential development and a multi-use games area (MUGA) on land at Wrexham Road.

A report to the committee, which recommends the scheme be given the go-ahead, reads: "The development comprises of eight three-bedroom dwellings and 16 four-bedroom dwellings.

"The application has been significantly amended since it was originally submitted in order to address a number of concerns about layout and design.

"The proposed layout is broadly consistent with a masterplan for the site submitted with the outline application and provides for a strong and attractive built frontage to Wrexham Road.

"The MUGA will be located in the south-west corner of the open space area.

"I am satisfied the plans provide sufficient detail of the MUGA and that its location and appearance are appropriate."

According to the document, nine neighbour objections were received in respect of the initially submitted plans.

It concludes: "The appearance, landscaping, layout and scale provides for an attractive development, including adequate provision of on-site parking and will not adversely impact upon the standard of amenity afforded to adjacent occupiers."