PROPOSALS to create 85 new homes in Buckley look set to be turned down.

An application to develop land to the south of Meg’s Lane will be considered by Flintshire Council’s planning committee this week.

The scheme has caused concern among residents living nearby as they believe the town’s infrastructure, including schools and GP surgeries, will not be able to cope.

It has led to more than 50 letters of objection being put forward to the local authority.

Last year, the community successfully campaigned against plans for about 500 houses in the area, including 100 properties outlined for the Meg’s Lane site.

Planning officials have now recommended that the latest scheme should also be rejected.

In a report, Flintshire’s chief officer for planning Andrew Farrow said the documents contained insufficient information about the provision of affordable housing, public open space and required improvements to the nearby waste water treatment works.

He said: “The proposal represents inappropriate development within the green barrier and is in clear conflict with the provisions of the policies of the unitary development plan as well as national guidance.

“The proposal would cause undue harm to the open countryside and green barrier.

“I do not consider that the lack of a housing land supply sufficiently outweighs the above considerations.

“Inadequate details have been provided with regards to safeguarding the ecology of the site, the provision of public open space and affordable housing provision and to ensure that the capacity of the local water resources meet the need of the development.

“It is not considered that the current submission overcomes the reasons for refusal previously applied on this site and I therefore recommend accordingly.”

The man behind the proposals has cited Flintshire’s lack of an up to date housing plan as one of the main reasons why they should be approved.

Documents prepared for Tom Hill by consultants Leith Planning make reference to Technical Advice Note 1 (TAN1), a Welsh Government policy which highlights the need to increase the region’s housing supply.

However, part of the guidance was removed last year by Welsh Government Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths.

She enforced the change amid concerns that it was leading to too many speculative housing developments.

In a planning statement, the consultants said: “The council’s Unitary Development Plan is outdated and they cannot demonstrate a five year supply of housing.

“Furthermore, the application site is well related to and on the edge of the key sustainable settlement of Buckley.

“The development will deliver much needed market and affordable homes within the local area, and will invest and improve the local highway network and local drainage infrastructure.

“The current development plan is out of date and it is accepted that there is an absence of a five year land supply, which the Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs states is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.

“While this is a matter for the decision maker, the historic failure of the council to deliver an adequate supply of land means that this is a material consideration of some weight.”

The proposals will go before councillors on Wednesday.