THE Royal Horticultural Society is buzzing with advice for gardeners at this time of year. 

It’s website is packed with information on every aspect of gardening here we dip in to seek out advice on Grow Your Own.

Spring has taken its time coming, but it's finally here say RHS experts ! It's a busy month on the edible plot, with more seed sowing and planting. Keep an eye on the weather this month, and cover new seedlings with fleece or newspaper if frosts are forecast. 

If you haven’t already...

Plant potatoes: Chit and plant out second early potatoes in the first half of the month, maincrop potatoes in the second half. 

Pot up tomato seedlings: When seedlings develop two or four true leaves above the more rounded seed leaves, pot them into individual 7cm (2 1/2in) pots. 

Plant asparagus crowns: Plant one-year-old crowns 30-45cm (12-18in) apart in rows 45cm (18in) apart. 

Protect fruit blossom from frost: Where possible, protect plum and pear flowers from frost but allow insects access for pollination. 

Start regular weeding: Keep annual weeds under control by hoeing. Deal with perennial weeds as appropriate, either digging them out or using a weedkiller.

Red spider mite: Look out for red spider mite on strawberries under glass and treat accordingly. 

Cats are much-loved pets, however they can also be a nuisance in the garden. They can make a mess of your beds, especially in dry spells. Cover newly sown beds with netting to deter cats.