A WOMAN "lost the plot" and stole a trolley full of goods from a supermarket after misusing sleeping pills, a court heard.

Nicola Williams, Heol Maelor in Coedpoeth, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Monday morning.

The 51-year-old admitted that on October 11, she stole goods worth £239.25 from Sainsbury's in Wrexham.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that Williams was captured on CCTV entering the store and filling a trolley with items before leaving without paying.

But she was stopped by staff and all items were recovered.

Patrick Geddes, defending, told the court: "Ms Williams has an unenviable record but was last in trouble in 2021.


"As her previous convictions suggest, she's someone who has struggled with drugs and addiction but she's been working with the drug misuse team for three years and she's clean.

"In October 2022, her 21-year-old daughter was killed in a tragic accident and she's not fallen off the wagon despite that.

"But she has used and misused sleeping tablets during the anniversary of her daughter's passing.

The Leader:

"She has no recollection of this incident at all and has taken items that have absolutely no use for her.

"She seems to have simply lost the plot."

The Magistrates handed down a nine-month conditional discharge.

The defendant must pay £85 costs and a £26 victim surcharge.